Friday, June 15, 2007

we found the rocks to be well lubed

Me, smell and mikey hit up the East Kiewa a couple of weeks ago with woody from wangdonga.

from the washload& state of the vegetation it looked like it had been on the chunky side a couple of days prior but the flow dropped right off....was still good for a laugh though! As tradition dictates, the Drowning Pool claimed another scalp. Smelly got backlooped and swallowed in to the tasty deliciousness that it is.... she only did one lap once she swam which is a bit of a cop out really.

a couple of days later to stave off any desire i had of doing my uni assignment i dusted off the c1 and hit up the king with KateH , AlexC, Jen and Jens pommy mate. Turns out he got a bit muntered and didnt continue past the weir. Flow was great - a smidgen under 1.5 at the weir. Cause we're lazy f-ers we didnt take any photos.


Above: mikey displays that natural tallent that we've all come to hate him for

above: the smell about to become familiar with the drowning pool in an unnatural way


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